EPA has proposed to authorize Wisconsin's Hazardous Waste Management Revisions which took effect in August 2006. The proposed rule can be found at:
Of interest to me was a (rather lengthy) table that correlates Federal provisions with former NR provision, as well as the recodified NR provision.
G. Where Are the Revised State Rules
Different From the Federal Rules?
These practices are prohibited in Wisconsin: Underground Injection (40 CFR Part 144), and Land Treatment (40 CFR 270.20). Wisconsin also does not provide for Permit by Rule (40 CFR
270.60). Wisconsin does not allow automatic authorization under the permit modification regulations found in 40 CFR 270.42 (b)(6). The 10 year Remedial Action Plan, or RAP (40 CFR
270.79 et seq.) is replaced by a 5 year Remediation Variance (NR670.079). These Wisconsin regulations are more stringent: 662.220(5)(c,d), 662.220(6)(c,d,f), and 670.030 (annual
report required instead of a biennial report). Wisconsin maintains different financial regulations that allow for additional equivalent financial mechanisms (664.0143), do not allow the net worth test for closure under Part 665, and maintain some more stringent insurance requirements under 664.0143(5)(h), 664.0147(1)(a)(3), and 665.0147(1)(a)(3). The following Wisconsin regulations have no Federal counterpart: 666.081, 666.900 through 666.910, and 673.11.
There are no Wisconsin provisions for 40 CFR 268.5, 268.44 (other than 268.44(h)), and 270.3 as these are Federal non-delegable provisions.